February 09, 2021


by Latorial Faison

This un-blue blood in darker skin
This youth & manhood trapped within

This un-grown seed beset with doom
This unknown soul locked up, entombed

This brown face, this topless bottom
This man-child approaching Sodom

This buried chest of un-cried tears
This proverb unspoken through the years

This dissonant experience
This scent of crime for innocence

This shoot-to-kill with both hands up
This birthright linking chains & cuffs

This countryʼs witness to its hate
This issue framed without debate

This urban trend & country woe
This poison root we plant & grow

This history we cannot bear
This melting pot we cannot share

This nightmare that we know is real
This voiceless blackness slaughtered still

(c) from Mother to Son: Poems by Latorial Faison (2017, CK Press)

This poem first appeared at The Watering Hole
